Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fitness Road

is what I'm calling the stretch of Elston Ave from Damen to wherever it is makes sense for the day and mode.  It's exactly one mile from Damen to Rockwell, 2.1 miles up to Kedzie, and of course, follow it up all the way to the intersection with Milwaukee Ave and head on up to the North Branch Trail.  There's a small bit of safety concern that comes to mind--the relative desolation with some characters met along the way, but in the end, the possibility of a porch creep stalking me on Elston is probably not any higher than something similar happening right on Damen Ave.  I'm much more visible and predicable there--a kidnapping would not be as inconspicuous though.  
So now you know what goes through a girl's head as she tries to get her mind off the first run in who knows how long!  Had to be dedicated to get started.  A good exercise.  Almost getting there!  Been starting to do a bit more training anyway.  Gonna race cyclocross.  Shit.  So so far to go!  Unfamiliar bike, new clipless pedals, but a bad ass enough attitude to tackle it.  Shooting for not sucking in a laughable way, and possibly completing a race.  Low standards, I'm sure it seems, but it's my respect for the sport and how far I've got to go.  Will sure try!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wouter Weylandt - Wow

How can you say anything?  ()ust riding up Damen tonight I'm thinking about all those guys, trying to ride tomorrow.  There will be a somber feeling in the race, no doubt.  I have to admit, this is the first Giro I'm following, and it is indeed epic.  This wasn't the epic I was invisioning.  Oh I flipped through the glossy Leopard-Trek photos when the team was announced.  Only an introduction, I didn't know any of them over another at the time.  Read a bit of this and that, but its all too much to take in for one person to stick over the other, but to hear about the reverberations in the cycling community.  I feel it more.  I know its a loss.  And anytime we lose a cyclist.  Or any tragedy really.  My friend Anna in the hospital this week.
Riders, it will mean all the more.  Wish I could be there cheering you on.  Wow.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A ride, the Belgians, diesel fuel and time to go!

Saturday was nice.  Not too far, but it was an 8:00 a.m. ride and ya gotta feel good about that, no matter what.  Bucktown to the silos on Ogden, met the peeps and off to the lakefront.  Wind was at our back going up which meant that with a group spirit, some good peanut butter toast adrenaline energy going on, 22 mph was an easy cruising speed.  Yes, we do need to get me a geared bike!
So, up to Sheridan Rd, where I had to turn back for a denstist appt, and a good duck out for those ready to go the full 60 miles.  Did I mention my team, Method Racing?
That's the ride.
The Belgians?  Well, that's Philippe Gilbert.  I'm new to the sport of road racing, but I've been a fan of Belgium for a while, even before I knew it was a cycling mecca, so I've adopted it as my in-road and way to follow one arm of cycling.  I don't know enough yet to know if Gilbert is a worthy athlete and person-well, he's a worthy athlete for sure!  To be honest, my fav professional cyclist right now is Tim Johnson, the American cyclocross racer.
Diesel Fuel?  Oh my.  You and you know.  I do not need to drive cars.  
Time to get on the bike!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why Can't I Ride More?

I ride in in the morning, only about 3 1/2 miles.  Ride home.  Whoop de do.  Can't seem to get off my ass after that.  Maybe its the timing, not after work.  But who does it before, and I'm a morning person!  I do wish that on certain days I could ()ust keep going.  Those rides before 8:00 a.m. with the beautiful morning sun, quiet Chicago streets, worker boys, and air in your lungs.  Little gifts in this life of doing for other people (and not in that good way).  I guess its this balance of re-couping by having "down time" and building up by the positivity that comes from a ride.  The pull is stronger to the down time.  Competing priorities--but its also the natural rhythm of a person, a body.  Plus the wine & such pull.  I know giving that up would do could do wonders for a training regimin. Friggin self discipline.  I suck at all of it.  To be honest, that's why I believe so strongly in community.  So, I did ()oin a bike racing team, Method Racing.  Sorry, I need to figure out how to make links and such (and get a new keyboard), but really, you all are resourceful people, I know.  But Method Cycles. . . that's the good energy, and with a little help and dedication supported by others--watch us and see!
ok, I will type out this link cuz these are some awesome fellows:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Not Writing Doesn't Mean Not Riding

Although, I admit, I have been slack. . . on the writing.
For riding, I've only missed about a week or so in and around Death Blizzard 2011, and then my trip home to MN.
Good times in Minneapolis, as always, and in greater Minnesota land.
QBP put on Frostbike.
Angry Catfish serves up some tasty tasty lattes.
And Cars R Coffins is open for its final days.
Next visit, the SE Draft is coming out for sure!
Hopefully more to come soon.